MAGIC Discovery (v1)
Terms including 'MUST', 'SHOULD', 'MAY' etc. are used according to RFC 2119.
The base ISO 19115 requirements are very minimal and not sufficient to meet MAGIC's needs, including:
ensuring records comply with the BAS Data Catalogue Record Requirements (internal URL)
ensuring Esri item metadata (internal URL) can be derived from records, to prevent inconsistency and repeated effort
ensuring access and usage constraints are captured, as MAGIC routinely handles sensitive and licensed information
ensuring minimal information is available to enable future editing workflows (progress and status)
ensuring a minimal level of data quality information is captured (lineage information)
In essence, this profile aims to provide a higher floor for record completeness, to ensure a minimal level of utility.
Base Standard
This profile is based on:
the ISO 19115-2:2009 standard
the BAS Data Catalogue minimum record requirements (internal URL)
The ISO 19115 sets requirements for core elements such as title, abstracts, etc. which are not repeated as requirements in this profile.
Abstract (this document)
Example Records
Minimal collection: JSON | XML
Requirement 1 - File Identifier
Records MUST include the file identifier element, using a value that MUST be unique across all records.
Required to:
allow resources to be distinguished without relying on descriptive elements, such as title (which may not be unique)
comply with technical requirements within the ADD Metadata Toolbox / BAS Data Catalogue
Requirement 2 - Domain Consistency
Records MUST include a domain consistency data quality element, stating the record complies with this profile.
The element value MUST be as per Appendix 1 - Data Consistency Element.
Required to allow validation tools to determine whether a record uses this profile.
Requirement 3 - Hierarchy Level
Records MUST include the hierarchy level element.
The element value MUST be one of these allowed options:
Required as other requirements are conditional based on the resource type, which is expressed by this element.
Requirement 4 - Catalogue Identifier
Records MUST include an identifier element, identifying the resource within the BAS Data Catalogue.
The identifier MUST use these values:
value: the value of Requirement 1 - File Identifier
URL: the Catalogue item URL for the record, in the form:{file_identifier}
namespace: ''
Required to comply with technical requirements within the ADD Metadata Toolbox / BAS Data Catalogue (to ensure records are within scope of the catalogue).
Requirement 5 - Edition
Records MUST include an edition within the resource citation element, using a value that MUST be unique across all editions of the resource.
Required to distinguish versions/editions of a resource without relying on descriptive elements, such as title (which may not be unique).
Requirement 6 - Released Date
Published resources MUST include a released date within the resource citation element of the record.
The released date value MAY be in the past (in which case the resource is deemed 'released'), or the future (and deemed 'under embargo').
Draft records MAY include a released date if desired.
Required to comply with technical requirements within the ADD Metadata Toolbox / BAS Data Catalogue (for embargo management).
Requirement 7 - Publication Date
Published resources MUST include a publication date with a value in the past, within the resource citation element of the record.
Draft records MAY include a publication date with a value in the future (i.e. if the publication date is known). They MUST NOT use a date in the past, as they will not be considered as draft.
Required to comply with technical requirements within the ADD Metadata Toolbox / BAS Data Catalogue (for publication management).
Requirement 8 - Point of Contact
Records MUST include MAGIC as a contact using the 'Point of Contact' role, within the resource citation element.
The contact value MUST be as per Appendix 2 - MAGIC Point of Contact Element.
Required to comply with technical requirements within the ADD Metadata Toolbox / BAS Data Catalogue (for contact functionality).
Requirement 9 - Access Constraints
Records MUST include an access constraint, indicating who can access the resource.
Required to comply with technical requirements within future data access systems (for authentication).
Requirement 10 - Usage Constraints
Records MUST include a usage constraint, indicating the licence under which the resource can be used.
Required to:
ensure licencing requirements for resources are passed onto end-users
comply with technical requirements within future data access systems (for authorisation)
Requirement 11 - Progress Code
Records MUST include a progress code for both the resource and record, using a value from the 'ISO 19115 MD_ProgressCode' code list.
MAGIC internal requirement to enable future metadata management workflows.
Requirement 12 - Update Frequency Code
Records MUST include an update frequency code for both the resource and record, using a value from the 'ISO 19115 MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode' code list.
MAGIC internal requirement to enable future metadata management workflows.
Requirement 13 - Lineage Statement
Non-collection records MUST include a lineage statement element describing the origins and sources used to create the resource.
Collection records MAY include this element if desired.
MAGIC internal QA requirement.
Requirement 14 - Geographic Extent
Records MUST include a bounding box element defining the geographic extent of the resource, with an extent identifier of 'bounding'.
Records MAY include additional extents (with geographic and/or temporal and/or vertical components) as desired.
MAGIC internal requirement to enable future spatial search.
Appendix 1 - Domain Consistency Element
Appendix 2 - MAGIC Point of Contact Element
Last updated